Module dpq2.conv.to_d_types


as(v) Returns cell value as a Nullable type using the underlying type conversion after null check.
as(v) Returns cell value as a native string based type from text or binary formatted field.
as(v) Returns cell value as a Variant type.
as(v) Returns value as D type value from binary formatted field.


PGbigint long bigint
PGboolean bool boolean
PGbytea immutable(ubyte)[] bytea
PGdate Date (no time of day)
PGdouble_precision double double precision
PGinteger int integer
PGinterval Interval Interval
PGjson json or jsonb
PGline Line Line (geometric type)
PGnumeric string numeric represented as string
PGreal float real
PGsmallint short smallint
PGtext string text
PGtime_with_time_zone TimeOfDayWithTZ Time of day with TZ(no date)
PGtime_without_time_zone Time of day (no date)
PGtimestamp TTimeStamp!(false) Both date and time without time zone
PGtimestamptz TTimeStamp!(true) Both date and time stored in UTC time zone
PGuuid std.uuid.UUID UUID
PGvarbit std.bitmanip.BitArray BitArray